Account Based Marketing (ABM) segment for B2B targeting people who work at Jevs Human Services in the Non-Profit Organization Management industry. Feel free to add as many companies you like to the shopping cart and we will assist you in activating your campaign in the marketing platforms you choose. Jevs Human Services has over 868. AccountsGraph by Skydeo has 7,252 users available for digital targeting and 790 contacts with emails, titles, phone, address, LinkedIn URLs, etc. to update your CRM for account-based marketing.
You may reference segment ID – 500738477 or by name * > Non-Profit Organization Management > Jevs Human Services.
About Jevs Human Services: JEVS Human Services offers a wide range of services, including skills training and career management, vocational rehabilitation, recovery services, adult residential and day services, in-home personal assistance, and more. JEVS Human Services makes hope happen for more than 35,000 individuals each year. Our work would not be possible without the generous financial support of others. Should you choose to support JEVS Human Services, know that your contribution will be used to wisely enhance our education, training, and health and rehabilitation services and make a difference in the lives of others..
AccountsGraph taxonomy is available for Google, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, The Trade Desk, Verizon Media Yahoo, and many more via LiveRamp. Please contact us if you have any questions.
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